InThe MemoiristbyAlayne UnterbergerMy First Paid Job & A Lesson In PrivilegeHow one day can change your outlook on lifeNov 30, 2021Nov 30, 2021
IntheMUSINGSbyAlayne UnterbergerFive Things You Can Do About Child Detention at the US-Mexico BorderYou have more power than you think. It still matters, regardless of who sits in the White House. You can do something about it.Nov 15, 2021Nov 15, 2021
InOpen Letters TobyAlayne UnterbergerAn Open Letter to The Most Greedy aka .01%ersLet’s face it: these .01% men are toxic, suffering from greed and Excessive Wealth Disorder (Collins 2019) and it’s time to shut them down…Oct 24, 2021Oct 24, 2021
Alayne UnterbergerImmigrants & Asylum Seekers Are Stuck at the US Border: Here’s Why A Law You Don’t Remember & an…“Don’t come, just don’t come” said VP Kamala Harris, very seriously, while visiting Mexico in her first visit, charged with carrying out…Jul 25, 20214Jul 25, 20214
Alayne UnterbergerWhen the Florida Legislature Could Do Good but Chooses To Create More Suffering“Shielding businesses” from COVID-19 responsibilities dehumanizes all workers and creates more vulnerability, felt most acutely by farm…Mar 24, 20213Mar 24, 20213
Alayne UnterbergerInvisible Suffering at the Border Is Not A DeterrenceAre Migrant Protection Protocols the End of Asylum?Oct 2, 2019Oct 2, 2019
Alayne UnterbergerWhy I am Not Celebrating The “Closing” of the Homestead Temporary Influx Center… because it is not really “closed” — it’s “warm” with about 1000 staff there.Aug 8, 2019Aug 8, 2019
Alayne UnterbergerWitnessing at Homestead’s Immigrant Child Detention CenterToday I am compelled to write due to a lack of coverage in the mainstream media, except for a few notable exceptions from the Miami Herald…Apr 26, 2019Apr 26, 2019